Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kids and college

If you've read any of my other posts then you know I have three young children, so it's pretty safe to assume I have a huge case of mommy brain. Add to that a husband who is more of a hinder than a help and what do you get? A frazzled, sleep deprived mess! Am I hearing sleepy murmors of "Yeah, me too"? Well, I added to the maddness. I deceided to become a full time (14 credit hours to be exact) college student. Before somebody yells "Get the straight jacket!" let me tell you this, going back to school was one of the best choices I've made in a long time. It's not easy by any means. I'm even more tired than I was before, I have more to do and less time to do it in, and my favorite time of day (the kids' bedtime) has become my study time. But it's worth it. I love my classes and I love being with other grown ups for a few hours. And I love that not only am I improving myself, but I'm working towards bettering my children's lives. I didn't go back to school for me, I did it for us.
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  1. I'm a full time college student and I have two kids so I know exactly how you feel. It is hard and it really takes a lot of time but it is SO worth it. Good for you for going back to school.

  2. Thanks :) We may be crazy by the time we're done, but we'll make it! :)

  3. One of my friends just did this too. She has four, one who is 8 (the reason she left college with just a few classes to go!) then a 5, 3, and 1 year old. I totally applaud both of you! It's absolute madness, but you'll be so glad when you're done.

  4. thank you very much :) and good luck to your friend :)
