Wednesday, August 17, 2011

5 Things I have learned from my toddler


Good and bad, here are some things that I have learned from my toddler.

  1. The best part of going to the beach is eating the sand.
  2. Diapers CANNOT be pooped in unless they are fresh!
  3. There is no 5 second rule, if it's on the ground, it's fair game.
  4. Crying uncontrolably for 20 minutes or more will drive mommy berserk enough that she either gives in or walks outside until the tantrum is over.
  5. Even on the worse days, a smile, a kiss, and a big hug can make it all worth while!


  1. I found you through the hop, and am now following you.
    If you like hops, please click the link under my header for a page that lists over 300 hops, some for each day of the week. And if you know of some I'm missing, please let me know!
    Have a great day!
    In Him We Live & Move & Have Our Being

  2. Thanks so much for following, it's much appreciated. Also for the info on all the hops. I can't wait to go check them out. :)
