Monday, November 21, 2011

Going Home

I hope that everybody has at least noticed that I've been missing the past month or so. It's defiantly been a CRAZY time! Where should I begin even? Well, as you all know the hubby and I had been looking for what feels like forever for a bigger place to live, hopefully before the lease ran out where we were already at. Do things like that usually go in our favor? Nope. So did things magically change this time? Nope. We ended up spending months weeks sorting and packing all of our belongings, putting the majority of it in storage, and then moving the 5 of us into a tiny, pay by the week, 1 bedroom apartment in not the greatest area. Let me repeat...5 of us in a 1 bedroom! Crazy right? I know! But we tried to keep thinking positively and remember that it was just temporary until we could find something better. In our second week there, hubby got laid off! Does the craziness never end?!

Okay, lets backtrack for just a second. I grew up mostly in Tucson, Arizona. Even though I've spent more of my life in Ohio, where I'm actually from, Tucson is home to me. I wanted to go back so badly. I have so many true blue best friends in the world in Arizona. These are friends that are better than any family members because you actually get to choose them and you're not just stuck with whatever you were born with. Friends that would go to the very ends of the earth for you and vise versa. That's what made me want to go home again. It wasn't so much the place as it was who was there.

Well, hubby wasn't so keen on the idea. I got him to go to Tucson once for about 6 months when Hunter was a year old. To say he wasn't impressed would be putting it mildly! He says everything there wants to either stab you, poke you or eat you! Our first week there we got in an argument cause he wanted to leave Hell as he calls it and go back to Ohio. He went for a walk and in his anger he kicked a jumping cholla! Anybody familiar with this? It's a cactus that has barbs on it and when you get too close to it, it actually jumps out and sticks you! I was picking those things out of his foot and leg forever! I had warned him before we got there not to touch anything he didn't recognize but obviously he's hard headed. He also says there's no real trees, grass or bodies of water to go fishing in. Sum it up that he did not want to go back to Arizona.

Back to the 1 bedroom in Ohio. After finding out about being layed off and knowing that we couldn't pay another weeks rent and still afford all the other things we needed to live, hubby made some off hand comment about moving back to Arizona. I jumped on it! I told him if he was serious I could make it happen really quick. He agreed though I don't think he really believed me. In the span of a week our bags were packed, my awesome friends pitched in together for the bus tickets and we were off!

Check back with me for a post on the Greyhound experience!

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