Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I made a button!

Yay me!!! I just managed to make a button! I know I'm probably being silly but I'm still new to the blogging world so everything I learn to do is a huge success to me. So please, everybody, grab my button! And if anybody has any words of wisdom for a new and totally obsessed about it blogger, please, educate me. :)


  1. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog from LBS! Your button is cute but it doesn't have a code to copy and paste, if you know what I mean? Try contacting Cinnamon from cinfulcinnamon.com (she's one of the main lady bloggers) and ask her to make one for you. She's quick and does a great job...she did mine. It's easier to link up when you have an html code for your button :)

    Hope this helps!

  2. Oops, Thank you so much! I'm still trying to figure all of this stuff out. Any help I can get is much appreciated :)
