Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Sorry everybody I've been missing from the blogging world for the past couple of days. I hope you all missed me! My niece has been here visiting this summer, which I'm totally loving! I only get her for a little bit during the summer cause it's an hour each way from where she lives to where we live. She's an amazing kid. She's 9 and a half but when you talk to her you would swear she's so much older. I'm dreading the day I have to let her go home.

We took her fishing the other day and right before we were getting ready to leave she caught her first fish. She was so excited!

Here's my niece and Jordyn at Kroger's waiting for the fireworks to start. The kids were all suitably impressed but I wasn't. The finale was literally about one minute long. I sat there with a stunned look on my face and kept asking the hubby "Are you serious? That's it?!" But at least the kids liked it.

Here's my niece and Holly playing together during the cookout we had on the 4th of July. We had everything all set up outside, then decided it was just too damn hot and moved it all inside.

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